Purpose Project

The project is going great! I am starting to make my website now so that I can see what is going to be needed and what I have so far. Also progress is being made on my TED talk, I know how it is going to go. Some minor details still need to be filled in but other then that it is going great. I will probably use wix to make my website but there is also other ways that might be interesting to see how they perform next to wix.

Some of the questions that might be on the website would be questions that people can easily get into arguments over because another idea that I was thinking about testing is how well would a relationship work if the people participating had majorly opposite views of each other. What if instead of hating the same thing, one hated it it and the other loved it so they clashed. It is something i will think about moving forward.

Purpose Project

The project is going. It is not necessarily going good, nor is it going bad. With finals and exams, I haven’t been able to work on it that much other than what is done in class. The elevator pitch went well. I wasn’t very prepared for it but I know enough about what I want to succeed to give a heck of a speech.

My feedback from the elevator pitch was that the group wanted me to actually make the website which I will try to do using the website wix. There is also other research that needs to be incorporated into my work. So far my plans are on track and hopefully, they will stay that way.Image result for thumbs up

Purpose Project

Purpose, the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. Passion, a strong and barely controllable emotion. For the next month in English class we are working on a purpose project. I took it more literally and for my project I will be working to answer the question, does the dislike of certain items and action bring people together more than the like of those things.

Humans purpose in life is too find love and pass on that love to another generation. There is much research into this topic and one of my passions is to see hows humans interact. A main question that is going to be answered is can you make love from data, and how accurate will that data be?

An example question would be:

Rate these celebrities from least liked to greatest liked-(5 least, 1 greatest)kim-kardashian-joking-on-twitterKim Kardashian

Donald Trump

Bill Cosby

Justin Bieber

Logan Paul

Depending on answers, people will be matched up and see how strong there connection is.

To Kill a Mockingbird 16–End

Last Impressions

Honestly, To Kill a Mockingbird is not the most interesting book ever made. The second half of the book is bland with the only interesting part that happened when Jem breaks his arm and Boo came to save Scout. The rest of the book has no lasting effect on me. The last section of the book is ripe with hidden meaning and symbolism. Secret lives come into the book in two ways, one in the literal sense of Boo hiding in the house away from the children. And the other one is where the lives of characters are secret in a hidden way. The ways characters act and how they talk to each other. In public, the citizens of Maycomb talk bad about Atticus but they still respect him privatelysecret lives

Everyone wears a mask and that mask determines what kind of secrets we hold. Atticus hides his past, Calpurnia hides her identity, Mayelle hides her feelings, and Boo hides himself. Ultimately this book has told me that secret lives are a defense. They give you a wall to hide behind, a mask that deflects the “true” life if that is even a possibility.masks

Scouting Ahead

The Radly place ceased to terrify me, we knew Boo was there

Jem teased. “Ain’t u scared of taints?” We laughed. Haints, Hot Steams, incantations, secret signs, had vanished with out years as mist with sunrise.

Scout says it, she has outgrown all the childish things they used to partake in. The children are not scared of the ghosts anymore. Author Radly’s nickname given to him by the children of the town is Boo. They outgrew the fear of him just the same as the ghosts. When he saves Scout she addresses him Arthur, because who’s afraid of the man who has given you gifts and just saved your life?

Past Talks

Honestly, I completely forget the last group discussion and most of the Lit circle. I do remember that we talked about the growth of Jem and Scout. We talked about how their actions show the momentum of the story. In the beginning, there was no change but then they got older and understood more and as they matured so did the plot.

white background with color silhouette pictogram aging age human life young growing old process female and male people





To Kill A Mockingbird 1-9

First Impressions

Going into this book with a reputation it has I thought it would catch right off the hook but in the beginning, it didn’t stick out to me as interesting or amazing. As it progressed it got better and as the reader learns more about the characters and how the Finch family works the story gets to the level of interesting expected. The introduction of Boo Radley and Dill gave it a mystery and put in several themes and symbols that would reoccur throughout the story. Also, an interesting point was that the entire story is told in flashback by Scout who starts the story off when Jem breaks his arm then goes back to when it all started. The narrative by Scout puts a child’s spin on it. She does not mean to lie to the audience but there is a vale over her eyes that is immaturity, therefore, the audience gets the skewed story.Boo_Comic

Jem gave a reasonable description of Boo: Boo was about six-and-a- half feet tall, judging from his tracks; he dined on raw squirls and any cats he could catch, thats’s why his hands were bloodstained-if you ate an animal raw, you could not wash the blood off.

This shows how misguided Scout’s views of Boo are.

Stepping Into Someone Else’s Shoes

Throughout the book, Atticus scolds the children because they cause trouble with the townsfolk and get mad when they get in trouble, for example when they were messing the Boo or when Miss Caroline yelled at Scout. Secret lives do play a role when stepping into someone else’s shoes because when you do the life that they don’t let on is just as important to them as the life that they do







Scouting ahead

I am following Scout because throughout the story you can see the progress in understanding and comprehension in what people say and her actions. Scout is 6 at the start of the book who lives with her father, brother and their cook. She makes friends with neighbors and other children so she leads a simple life.

 “Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing.”

Scout’s simple thinking shows she does not have much to worry about and her trouble consist of nothing more than reading and breathing. While the first quote from chapter 2 shows her innocence the next two quotes show how she grows.

“Atticus told me to delete the adjectives and I’d have the facts.”

“I was born good but had grown progressively worse every year”

The first one has proof that she is growing because even if its small people are trusting her with harder tasks then she is used to and not doing it for her and because she was doing her own work now she had grown self-doubt and said herself that the childish aura faded off as time washed it away.img_2156

Final questions and such

One question the book leaves me with so far is, what is the point of the story? There have been many little points in the plot but they don’t seem like the true main story. Does the story follow Boo or is it about Scout or Dill? Hopefully, by reading further my question can be answered!


Information on the second/first book going with TKAM



Podcast Bloggy Thingy

School assessment

This isn’t exactly the answer but i believe that it was a more important point. Metcalf said that he knew that he had an advantage from the color of his skin so he knew he had an easy path in his life. By not writing his masters essay at duke he gave credit to himself and his company. By not taking the easy path he could say he built everything back up and he wanted to give that sacrifice so he could mold himself into a character that could build an organization like he did. So how he sees school is as a boat that can carry them across the hard trotted path that others need to take. I cant learn on my own, I am a student for a reason because I need someone with the expertise to teach me how to do it. It takes a special person to be able to build themselves back up from failure. I honestly don’t know how i would do. I think that i would be able to figure it out eventually but it might take too long before i get it right. Metcalf preached about the idea of autonomy and giving people the time to work for themselves. The idea of having the time for myself to make what i want and work for no on else is a weird idea. If i fail then no one can help me back up, but if i succeeded it was all my hard work that paid off and i can be proud of my work and all that i did.hardwork

Last Bloggy Thing

How it all went down

My group started the project off by addressing what each of our strengths were. My group mates were Leana, Kendall, and Glen. Leana does theater so she did a majority of the script because she liked doing that. Kendall likes doing digital art so she made the backdrops for our scrips so the audience could get a better view of where what was happening. Glen made a music track to bring our presentation to life and give it more meaning. I worked on the other parts of the scrips and i danced throughout our play to make it entertainingsnip 1

What we learned

By making different steps of the monomyth into skits, we could break down different parts of the story into the sections of the monomyth. Because we had to write a script about it, we really had to understand the story so the steps could be accurately represented.

snip 2

How did we do

I believe that we hit all the points on the design specs rubric. We made our presentation fun and interesting while also getting the message about monomyth to our audience. We used direct quotes from the book to make sure our presentation was just as the book was.The presentation was very memorable and impacted everyone. We had a fun time making it and preforming it so we put everything we had into it to make it the best we could.

snip 3.PNG

The question of all questions

Why are we here??? No not that question, the real question is what’s the point in telling stories that aren’t even true. This could be answered many different ways, using the monomyth lens I see the answer as they can entertain an audience. Authors use the hero’s journey to tell a story where the audience can get exited and want more of the story.

Third Bloggy thinggy

How it ends

Haroun and the sea of stories, thee best of times and the worst of times. Not really. Personally I found the ending to be sudden and it seems like a very rushed finish. Haroun mom just came home and everyone was happy cause that’s how Haroun wanted it. Khattam-Shud just happened to be crushed by a statue and Haroun and he wakes in the valley of k and his story is told to everyone.

Fav Annotation

“This is beginning to look like a war between buffoons.”

Rashid thinks this because the Gups got red nose warmers and the Chups got black nose warmers. This is just a funny line because it reminds us that this is still a children’s book and brings it all back down. It made me laugh and trying to imagine the Gups and Chups going to war. It was just a silly moment before a very serious one.






Final Discussion

The main point that I came away with was that Haroun never went on any journey. All that happened was either he fell asleep and dreamed it all or he had a Total Recall like experience where he went to the moon but Khattam-Shud defeated him and sent him back with the memory of winning. I really liked this because it is just a very out-of-the-box idea that is fun to think through all the possibilities that might have occurredtotal recal


This is the basic monomyth to the very point. The hero wins the day they returns home and gets the happy ending. The is nothing more to it, it finishes the last steps of the cycles of the monomyth lens.

Stories are lies, but are they good

Stories are not lies in any manner. The only way a story is considered a lie is if it is told in an untrue context. No one every said that they were going to tell stories to trick people, they are only trying to either entertain the audience like Haroun, or to inform like the myths that were told about the hero’s of old


The Finally

The book disappointed me because of the ending. I did not like how it just became a happy ending. I was happy for the first two posts but it declined very rapidly. I am going to forget all about this book just as I forget everything else I learned in school. Hasta la vista Haroun!


Second Bloggy Thinggy

Getting right to it, the story gets more adult as it goes on. It is meant as a children’s book but it goes away from that ideal and into a more mature point of view. There are underlying tones that Rushdie is hinting at like how Blabbermouth had to hide her identity because she was a girl. That is a more mature point that not many children would understand. My thought that Rushdie had passive-aggressive messages in this book deepen as I read more. One of these messages was how  Khattam-Shud wanted to silence the stories by plugging the well. Haroun was Rushdie’s first book after he went into hiding because of his book The Satanic Verses. There were people who wanted to silence Rushdie so this was his way of getting past it.

 “You think it’s easy for a girl to get a job like this? Don’t you know girls have to fool people every day of their lives if they want to get anywhere?”

-Blabbermouth the only female page


Haroun still follows the stages of a hero’s journey. It starts when he is called into adventure when Iff is introduced and Haroun decides to get back his fathers storytelling abilities. The next big step is when Haroun crosses the border between the world he heros journyknew, and the world he must trust in to save his father. The middle point is when Haroun overcomes his struggle to make his wish and he can save the day. The last major point is when Haroun wishes for a happy ending to the story and then he realises that the two worlds aren’t that different and everything is settled.

“Happy endings must come at the end of something,” the Walrus pointed out. “If they happen in the middle of a story, or an adventure, or the like, all they do is cheer things up for a while.”

The entire hero’s journey leads to the happy ending, that final point where the hero can go back to the world they belong in and relax having finished their job.

Post-it Question

The point of stories, in a literal form its to store memories. Most stories that are told are of the past. The Greeks had their stories, so did the Romans and everyone else. We all tell our stories to inform the listener in an entertaining way. What is a history book but a collection of stories about our past. Everyone tells stories in a different light, some to inform, some to scare, and some to entertain. So i cannot answer this question truthfully because there is no right answer.storybook

Websites Cited



Seminar Notes

I noticed that while we were talking, everything that was said could be related to the real world. There is a light a dark side to us all, the how sometimes we make walls to divide us even if they cannot be seen. Also how we are all the same, we are all human yet we all still feel the need to fight one another not live peacefully.


First Bloggy Thinggy

My first thought of the book was that it was silly. After all, it is a children’s book. I also thought that it was a little bit trippy because it is a story about a story teller’s son who goes on an adventure to the sea of stories to get back his storytelling abilities. It was also a bit confusing to me because I tend to skip over parts of books and I had to go back several times to understand what I was reading. My lens was monomyth, which is the story that a character goes on. Haroun’s adventure was him going to the second moon to get his fathers storytelling ability back. The discussion was not very fast moving and there wasn’t a lot said. My opinion of the book stayed the same that it was all a little weird and silly